Thursday, January 19, 2006

blog browsing

I woke at the un-earthly hour of 8 am this morning, so decided to waste some time reading blogs I don't usually read. I found many surprisingly insightful. Like the post "re-applying myself" on twenty-nothing, where Debbie offers an experience that I think anyone who ever got caught up in the application process can relate to,
for better or worse, applications have forced me to be much more introspective than i've ever been before. and frankly, much more introspective than i'm comfortable with. yet in a way, i think every person should have to apply somewhere every five or so years. taking the time to answer "what makes you unique?" and "what have you accomplished to date and what are your next steps in life?" has been a profound experience.


Blogger FrumGirl said...

I know exactly what Debbie means... sometimes I feel way too introspective and I wonder how self centered can I get, but I realize it is something I have to deal with right now and so I go with the flow in this journey through life....

I am glad I found your blog. Looking forward to catch up on reading it.

1/20/2006 10:42 AM  
Blogger Goldie said...

Welcome frumgirl. Don't be afraid to skim :).

1/22/2006 6:46 AM  

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