Monday, March 13, 2006

although he loses points for the unoriginal title*

Best argument in support of atheism I've come across as of yet: Defenders of the Faith. Perhaps because Zizek makes no attempt to disprove the existence of G-d. That being said, it's still a largely flawed argument, but I won't ruin the fun by pointing out the weak spots.

The opening paragraph:
FOR centuries, we have been told that without religion we are no more than egotistic animals fighting for our share, our only morality that of a pack of wolves; only religion, it is said, can elevate us to a higher spiritual level. Today, when religion is emerging as the wellspring of murderous violence around the world, assurances that Christian or Muslim or Hindu fundamentalists are only abusing and perverting the noble spiritual messages of their creeds ring increasingly hollow. What about restoring the dignity of atheism, one of Europe's greatest legacies and perhaps our only chance for peace?
*"Defender of the Faith," short story by Phillip Roth (p. 1960)


Blogger shoshana said...

um. . i feel like i'm missing something here. i mean, this is one of the most popular arguments for atheism these days. . religion, they say, is the cause of all the world's greatest evils: hatred, bigotry, bloodshed. . .
it's not a baseless argument, but it's hardly original. . .

3/18/2006 1:41 PM  
Blogger Goldie said...

You're probably not missing anything...Could very well be the argument is not original, I just haven't seen it. I'm hardly an authority on atheist arguments, but the few I've come across all used science as the "proof" or justification for their arguments, and hence this one struck me as different and a tad wiser :).

3/18/2006 5:43 PM  
Blogger Goldie said...

I like this one for a theist argument:

If there were no God, there would be no Atheists.
- G. K. Chesterton

3/18/2006 6:22 PM  

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