Thursday, March 01, 2007

male biological clock

Seems that a discussion with a friend about how the older siblings in our families seem "brighter" may have not been so far off...

From It Seems the Fertility Clock Ticks for Men, Too:
Another study by Dr. Malaspina and Dr. Reichenberg, also using Israeli army data, found a correlation between having an older father and lower scores on nonverbal, or performance, I.Q. tests.


Blogger concerned heart said...

That's for sure, older paternal age is associated with a decrease in non-verbal intellectual performance and leads to more offspring with sporadic/non-familial autism, schizophrenia, mental retardation, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes 1, cancers such pre-menopausal breast cancer, prostate cancer, ALL, early childhood cancers, Alzheimer's. This connection between older fathers and decreased mental capacity was first described by Lionel Penrose in 1955. Ten studies since 1958 have linked schizophrenia with paternal age. Autism has been describe as occurring in the children of older parents( mean average paternal age34) for fathers which was much older than the general population, since before 1980. Why has it been kept secret? Why does the CDC say that the cause of non-familial autism is unknown?

3/01/2007 6:13 PM  

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