Friday, January 27, 2006

more on the "inherent differences" between men and women

Dr. Marianne J. Legato discusses her new book, Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget on WNYC:
[The title] really reflects the ability of women to recall experiences, especially unpleasant or sad experiences, or things that they have heard, much more vividly and in more detail than men. Men tend to process something, file it away; they have more effort in recalling what has happened to them than women do. Women seem to retrieve the memory more easily. And men are very much goal oriented; they are not interested in the local or remote history of the argument that is going on at the current time.
Only yesterday, at a job interview, I was reminded (yet again) of my relatively poor memory retention for things I studied in school, yet, for better or worse, I do have a pretty remarkable memory for recalling experiences in vivid detail (even some from when I was as young as 2 years old)...

But I wonder, is her theory too much of a generalization? Is it true that most men don't recall experiences with the same level of detail as women?


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