Wednesday, November 30, 2005

struggling without an art

A classmate reveals his fantasy to drop engineering and become a struggling artist (he heard chicks dig that sort of thing):
Do you paint?
Musical inclination?
So what is it that will make you a struggling artist?
I'd be struggling - that's the important thing - the struggling.
I would think you would have to make a claim to some sort of artistic leaning to be a struggling artist...
Well, alright, I'll learn how to crochet.


Blogger shoshana said...

that is very funny.

11/30/2005 6:00 AM  
Blogger Shlomo Leib Aronovitz said...

Tell your friend that chicks really dig paychecks. It takes a special sort of girl to fall for a man without an income. They are as unusual as they are rare.

12/03/2005 6:05 AM  
Blogger Goldie said...

I'm sure he is well aware. He was just kidding. Although, Hollywood does glamorize the struggling artist: when was the last time you saw one in the movies without a girl on his arm?

And I must have some pretty special friends, because more than a few are married to men that don't bring home paychecks.

12/03/2005 4:29 PM  

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